Featuring selections from both OutReels and Women in Film, shorts in the Right of Passage block are all coming of age stories featuring people finding their way in the world, and also finding themselves. It’s about learning and that isn’t always pretty. Runtime: 91 minutes.

Right of Passage

Guiding Light

Through the compelling interviews of the lead prosecutor, the defense attorney and the police chief, “Guiding Light” tells the story of a young teen (Polly Hannah Klaas) in a small town in America who was kidnapped from her bedroom during a slumber party while her family was in the house. In "Guiding Light", India Mitchell, a teen growing up in the same town thirty years later brings a fresh perspective and highlights the importance of the legacy of this case to the continuing endeavor to keep children safe.

Frog-Man V

After seeing the VHS cover of the B-horror movie FROG-MAN V, a girl becomes anxious about what lies ahead as she leaves childhood behind.

Super Fun Party Girl

ÊMIA and two other girlbosses encounter a near-death experience in New York City that launches them into a fantasy garden party of their hedonistic dreams.

Somewhere Inside is Me

On Sabrina’s 30th birthday, she deals with trauma she’s carried with her for fifteen years. Her journey is a lesson how we can all conquer pain time will never heal.

Even Still,

Even Still, is a short film about creating a life that is joyful to live through the experience of transness. It’s about building community, breaking free of public perception, and cultivating the things in life that bring happiness. It's about how life is painful, but still so beautiful and precious nonetheless. These things can never be separated, but neither one can erase the other.


Street harassment, cat-calling and unwanted attention are universal issues that women navigating public and cyber spaces deal with every day. This film - shot in Cincinnati - follows four transgender people who experience such attention and it explores their perspectives on these situations.

Things I Like

During the worldwide heartbreak of the COVID pandemic and the personal heartbreak of losing my father, I turned to my art as a way to heal and enjoy life again. When my work from before the pandemic felt too painful to return to I created "Things I Like," a short animated film about things I like to draw and think about with loving commentary by my friends. Take a brief, heart warming journey into my mind in "Thing I Like."

Marque Dos (Second Chance)

An aspiring tour manager moves up the ranks in the marketing industry where discovering herself and her place in the world faces off with the demands of her dream job

Good Daughter

A small-time con artist rips off elderly dementia patients by pretending to be their daughter - before the con catches up with her. Starring Samantha Sloyan (Midnight Mass, Grey’s Anatomy.)

Ah-Ma Burns

On the anniversary of her husband’s passing, an ailing woman joins her grandson at a Friendsgiving dinner where she is administered life-altering medicine.